
to do

  1. some time* crochet a hat at Common Grounds

  2. study for theatre appreciation class. right now. [DONE]

  3. ! get farther in my still life drawing. later. [DONE]

  4. go to Dwelling Place tonight [DONE]

  5. Christian Heritage reading homework [DONE]

  6. English 1304 reading homework [DONE]

  7. some time* write Rogerian argumentative essay


  9. ponder "where am I going to work this summer?"

  10. ponder "what am I doing for Gina's birthday this Sunday?

  11. find my tiny mail key [DONE]

  12. find someone who can do my dreads

  13. get on facebook less

  14. enjoy the sun outside

  15. note* need to buy more Kashi cereal

  16. design South Russell's shirts for next year

  17. research scholarly journals on the importance of liberal arts education

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