
shark finning

excerpt from my essay:

"Slaughtering sharks through shark finning, fishermen across the globe gain unwanted attention for the past few decades. Why notice this process? Fishermen catch the shark, as it is hanging from a pulley, cut off its fins, and toss its body back into the sea to decay. Avoiding any extra weight on the ships, the men leave the shark, unable to move, carry out any function, or in short, survive. The sharks die because of starvation or suffocation. This inhumane event is the product of the shark fin delicacy of East Asian culture. Shark populations are diminishing at an alarming rate due to high demand of shark fin in Eastern Asia. Fishermen are damaging marine ecosystems as many species of sharks come closer and closer to extinction. To break the high demand for shark fin in East Asia, especially China, mung bean extract should be used to create vegetarian shark fin products, mainly soup. Organizations against over fishing and shark finning processes should grow within Asian universities and colleges to spread awareness to the youth. In order to put a stop to shark finning, it should not only be banned by the United States, European countries, and South Africa, but by all people groups."

educate yourselves. Spread awareness.

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