
finding a lot of purpose

also means overcommitting oneself

I think I should focus on investing in the EFCC college group more than anything

and Natalie and my girls' small group is going fabulously!
tight nit crew

I have been busy with quizzes n tests. pretty exhausting week...

Jeanne {the woman I work for} has given me more hours to work on the weekend.
+more income ...but
-less time to rest, which I already have so little of

Please pray that I'd be content given any circumstance,
for wisdom on how to spend my limited energies,
and for the small group

how is your week? whats new?

1 comment:

  1. Hey Natalie! I prayed for you last night and will continue to pray. God is faithful and I know he will give you wisdom and contentment.

    God has been teaching me a lot lately. He has given me joy, hope, peace, and most importantly strength to live my life how he wants me to live it.

    Do you know when you will be able to come back to Baylor yet? I look forward to seeing you again.
